Ken Taiapa

Ken Taiapa has been appointed as the new Climate Health Aotearoa Post Doctoral Research Fellow.  He has a background in public health research and evaluation using kaupapa Māori methodologies working with Māori health and social service providers in a range of contexts.  His PhD work told the story of a hapū mārakai initiative and the healing that occurred through connecting people to whenua. He is also a Post Doctoral Research Fellow with the SHORE and Whāriki Research Centre, Massey University working on the Health Research Council-funded Tangata Whenua Tangata Ora programme exploring the hauora that arises from whenua initiatives.  


Kaupapa Māori research methodology, Māori values and eco-health, mārakai, mātauranga and climate health. 

Recent Publications

Taiapa, K. (2022).  Te Moeone Mārakai: Connection, Ahi Kaa and Healing.  A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  SHORE and Whariki Research Centre, Massey University

Taiapa, K., & Moewaka Barnes, H.  Mārakai: healing across time, place and space. In Pihama, L., & Smith, L. T. (2021). ORA: Healing Ourselves – Indigenous Knowledge, Healing and Wellbeing.  Huia Publishers. In Press.

Taiapa, K., Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2021). Mārakai as Sites of Ahi kā and Resistance. MAI Journal, 10(02), 148-158.

Taiapa, K., Moewaka Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2021). Tension without tikanga: the damaging face of the treaty claims settlement system. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 17(2), 317–325

Taiapa, K., & Taiapa, N.L. (2021).  Te Pae Herenga Scoping Research on Kai Sovereignty in Tāmaki Makaurau.  Auckland: Waipareira Trust.  

Conference Proceedings

Taiapa, K. & Skipper, G. (2022). Te Moeone: A Story of Connection, Ahikā and Healing.  Kaupapa Māori Methodology Workshop Two, Kaupapa Rangahau Workshop Series.  26 October 2022, The Plymouth Hotel, New Plymouth.  

Taiapa, K.  & Skipper, G. (2022). Te Moeone: A Story of Connection, Ahikā and Healing.  Te Kāhui Rau Research Symposium, 10 November 2022.  Burgess Park New Plymouth.  

Taiapa, K. & Skipper, G. (2022). Te Moeone: A Story of Connection, Ahikā and Healing.  Te One kakara Taranaki Māori Research Symposium 2022: Historical, Intergenerational and Collective Healing.  22 October 2022, Taiporohēnui Marae, Taranaki.